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0. Elections!



Protocol Writer




Mail Person


Tutorial Spokesperson



Room Officer

Room Inspector


Stukoteure Flux, Olivia, Alex, Max

Officer for Bullshit Relations and Phallic Objects

1. Freshmen

2. Events

2a. Game Crawl

  • positive feedback, but underwhelming

2b. Semester closing / ähnliches

  • needs to be revisited / heavy criticism

2c. christmas party

3. Ersti-Events 

  • Ersti-Initiation
  • depending on current Corona-orders:
    • eventuell Mini Events (BBQ)
    • location to be determined, possibly outside or table in single pub
    • city tour?--postponed to September--
  • Mail - Karin (02.07.2020 15:41)
    • TOMORROW(07.07.2020) 18:00-19:00 Kurzvorstellung BSc MSV Webex
    • 2 volunteers urgently needed
      • Urs,ACD,Tilman Tilman wrote a mail

4. presence in WS

  • project groups should probably be in presence (Team Lab, ...)
  • reply mail to stuvus (Myles Zabel) til thursday → Zori did that
  • currently planned: some courses with presence
  • write a mail to Hannah re: breaks between presences / presence and online classes in succession → Urs
    • At IMS this will be considered

5. exam dates

  • will be "final" in a few dates, some already in C@mpus
  • changes re: central/decentral exams

6. How to Fachgruppe

7. consultation hours with students

  • Monday, 14:00-14:30 in the frame of our meetings
    • communication: will write a mail, semester Whatsapp groups
  • also: mail alway open (
  • put this information on Ilias Fachgruppenaushang → Urs

8. Facebook page

  • who wants to be admin?
    • Urs is willing to pass the admin rights to someone more suited/willing to handle the page --postponed--

9. Post-Corona-Tasks

  • new photos
  • update facebook page
  • BBQ/Beer
  • Burgerbattle with Marc as the only contestant

10. StuKo topics

  • Results StuKo 08. 06. : schedule for Bachelor/Master theses
  • AK-PO
  • Klausureinsichten Feedback
  • Recycling

11. Studienwahlkompass

  • Studienwahlkompass
    • Erfahrungsberichte Alumnis + 2 Personen (guter Mix aus m/w) aus höherer Bachelor/früher Master
      • reward free Glühwein/Premiummitgliedschaft im Fachschaftsrat
    • if interested contact Moritz
    • Max volunteered

12. stuvus introduction round

  • we will invite the new stuvus people as requested  → no reply as of yet
  • Marc is responsible for invitations, reminders

13. PSE helpers

  • Prof. Pado wrote a mail → ACD will answer: don't know anyone, encourage to write own mail to students
  • no mail from Pado arrived, ACD will write mail directly to students
  • Keine Stichwörter