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Die Standarteinstellung nach Listenerstellung ist Moderiert(editorkey).

titleDropdown Liste - Click here to expand...

Dropdown Liste: (Die Vorlage hierfür:

  • geschlossen (closed)
Niemand kann an diese Liste senden.
  • beschränkt auf Abonnenten (confidential)

  • Moderiert

  • Moderiert (editorkey)

Jeder kann an die Liste senden, aber alle Nachrichten, außer die von Moderatoren, müssen moderiert werden.

List moderators may send straight to the list, bypassing the message approval queues

  • Moderiert, auf für Moderatoren (editorkeyonly)
Jeder kann an die Liste senden, aber alle Nachrichten, auch die von Moderatoren, müssen moderiert werden.
  • Moderiert, für Moderatoren ist eine Anmeldung erforderliuch (editorkeyonlyauth)

  • beschränkt auf die lokale Domäne (intranet)
Jeder, der von der domäne oder sendet kann unmoderiert an die Liste senden.
  • beschränkt auf die lokale Domäne und Abbonenten (intranet)

Jeder, der von der domäne oder sowie die Abonnenten sendet kann unmoderiert an die Liste senden.

  • Newsletter, beschränkt auf Moderatoren (newsletter)

Nur Moderatoren können an diese Liste senden.

This is most useful for announcement-style lists, where only a select group shouldbe able to broadcast messages out to all list members, without anyone else being able to post tothe list.

  • Newsletter, beschränkt auf Moderatoren nach Bestätigung (newsletterkeyonly)
 Similar to the newslettersend scenario, this allows only moderators to post tothe list, butit sends a confirmation message back to the moderators asking them to confirm that they want to send that message to the list. It also prevents people from being able to falsify messages to the list by setting their mail client up to claim to be one of the moderator.
  • Beschränkt auf Abonneten (private)
Only list owners, moderators, and subscribers may send messages to the list. This is the standard default for non-public lists as it prevents spammers from getting messages out to the list. You may find that subscribers who try to send messages to the list with alternate addresses are having their messages rejected, since the list only accepts posts from e-mails subscribed to the list.
beschränkt auf Abonnenten mit gültiger S/MIME-Signatur (private_smime)Only list owners, moderators, and subscribers may send to the list, butthey all require valid S/MIME signatures. S/MIME signatures are specialized attachments that verify, through the use of a trusted third party, the sender's identity as being authentic and the message as being unaltered. This is the most secure setting for your list, but all the users on the list must have valid S/MIME signatures.
Moderiert, beschränkt auf Abonnenten (privateandeditorkey)Only subscribers and moderators may send messages to the list; subscribers’ messages must be moderated but moderators’ messages go straight through. Similar to the editorkey option, but only allows subscribers to submit messages for approval rather than anyone.
Moderiert für Nicht-Abonnenten, die mehrteilige Nachrichten senden (privateandnomultiparteditorkey)Moderators can send straight to the list, as well as subscribers. Howeverall the messages with attachments will be flagged for approval by the moderators.
beschränkt auf Abonnenten mit vorheriger MD5-Legitimierung (privatekey)Only subscribers may send to the list, and they will need to confirm every message by replying to a confirmation message Sympa sends them before the message will go through to the list.
Moderiert, für Abonennten sowie Moderatoren (privatekeyandeditorkeyonly)Only subscribers and moderators may send to the list. They'll both be asked to confirm their messages, and subscribers' messages will get put into the moderation queue (moderators' messages will go straight out).
Privat, Moderiert für nicht-Abonnenten (privateoreditorkey)Subscribers and moderators may send messages straight out to the list. Non-subscribers' messages will be flagged for moderation. This can be useful for allowing users who are not subscribers to submit messages while still letting the moderators keep spam away from the list's population.
Privat, Bestätigung für Nicht-Abonnenten (privateorpublickey)Subscribers may send messages to the list, as may users whose S/MIME signatures can be verified. Everyone else must confirm their messages by replying to a confirmation message Sympa sends them before the message gets resent on to the list. This is useful for reducing spam without increasing the list moderators' workload as spamming systems are usually automated and are very, very rarely — if ever —sophisticated enough or watched well enough to approve the message.
Öffentliche Liste (public)Anyone in the world may send to the list. This is really only suitable and recommended for contact addresses where there really is no other way to allow anyone who may need to send to the address the ability to do so.
Öffentliche Liste, Bcc verwerfen (Anti-Spam)(public_nobcc)Anyone may send to the list, but messages with Bcc (blind carbon copy) recipients are rejected. This can help prevent some spam, though most spammers no longer use Bcc headers for recipients.
öffentlich, erfordert keine Anmeldung wenn DKIM-Signatur gültig ist (publickey)Anyone may send to the list, provided they approve their own message by appropriately replying to the confirmation message Sympa sends them.
öffentliche Liste, mehrteilige Nachrichen werden an den Moderator gesendet (publicnoattachment)Anyone may send to the list. Messages with attachments are flagged for moderation.
öffentliche Liste, mehrteilige Nachrichten werden verworfen (publicnomultipart)Anyone may send to the list. Messages with attachments are simply rejected.

Antwortadresse auswählen

Als Standard ist hier die ganze Liste ausgewählausgewählz. Je nach Anwenderszenario, ist es sinnvoll diesen Wert auf Absender zu ändern.
