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When: 20.10.2021


Sustainability in: World → Germany → Stuttgart → University of Stuttgart → You


Vortrag mit kleinen Umfragen, Fragen am Ende


Who we are (Philipp)




Today (Jan)

Externes Zitat

Universities are the laboratories of society's future. By combining research and teaching, they can help future generations master complex challenges in a globalized world (Grand Challenges). They take on the task of sensitizing all university members to sustainable development and engaging them to contribute to shaping a sustainable society.

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World (Jan)

  • IPCC Report (meta study, 740 experts, 90 countries)
    • Climate change is real and we can already see it happening
    • "It is unequivocal that human influence has warmed the atmosphere, ocean and land."
    • If we act now we still could a chance of "only" reaching a 1.5 C warming compared to pre industrial times
    • 1.5 C warming compared to 2.0 C warming has severe less of an impact on the environment and our lifes

EU (Philipp)

  • European Green Deal
  • Erasmus goes Green

Germany (Jan)

  • Renewable Energy
    • Nuclear exit (2022)
    • Coal exit (2038)
  • Goals:

Stuttgart (Philipp)


Rescued food for free: "Fairteiler" / Café Raupe Immersatt 


There are also dress exchanges and dress exchange parties organized on a few Facebook pages like Freeguide Stuttgart, Fairtauscht, Kampagne für Saubere Kleidung - Stuttgart and Future Fashion - Community.

University of Stuttgart (Jan)

Goals: Carbon neutral until 2035


  • Mensa
  • Symbol indicates Vegan or Vegitarian food
  • starting November 1st you can see the GHG Emissions frome ach dish

You (Jan)
