Attendees: Amelie, Francesca, Georgi, Jule, Marc, Max, Patrick, Urs, Yixuan

Minutes: Jule

Chairperson: Urs

Urs officially opens the session.

TOP 1             Freshmen

No new problems have reached us. Everything seems to be fine.

TOP 2             Answering mails


Francesca and Urs volunteer to present the SRs on the welcoming event of the ISP.


Sends email that we will be there and use the presentation from last year.

TOP 3             Elections

Office combination: Marc as chairperson, Urs as deputy chairperson, Patrick as treasurer; Sven as grilling person. Urs informs stuvus about the election results.

Francesca is our new social media manager.


Gives credentials of Instagram account to Francesca.

TOP 4             Events

Christmas Party: on 08.12.2023. Ask the institute for financial support. Ideas: organize quiz and ask others. Whatsapp group for organization.
Weihnachtsmarkt: Make doodle to set the date.

Christmas Party:

  • The seminar rooms are reserved. Let’s start the party around 5pm.
  • There has not been an official invitation mail yet. Let’s write one and also ask everyone for contributions regarding food and program points.
  • Program ideas: We could do something like secret santa (trash version vs. normal version).
  • Drinks and snacks: Let’s buy less than last year as we don’t want to have left overs. For the mulled wine we should organize another mulled wine cooker. Maybe we can ask the Luftis again.
  • Music: We can use the music boxes we have. Thus we only need someone who is responsible for playing music.
  • As there’s enough Christmas decoration there’s no need to buy new things.
  • Further organization happens in the according Whatsapp group.


Sends invitation mail for the Christmas party.


Asks Luftis if they lend us their mulled wine cooker.

TOP 5             Buying Stuff / Abrechnung

Kitchen stuff: We want to buy a waffle maker. Marc checks if the stuvus application for the waffle maker is still valid.

Pot for plant. Someone needs to go to a Baumarkt and buy some soil and a pot for the plant.

International power plugs: Urs / Marc create a stuvus account for Patrick (who will eventually do the stuvus application).

Stickers: We want stickers with the FSCL logo. Sofia checks how to buy them online.

We postpone this topic.

TOP 6             More storage & New Furniture

Ideas for getting more space: Do Pfandrun, move coffee machine. We should evtl. make an inventory and also label the cabinets. Max takes cloths home and washes them.
Maybe we want to replace our sofa. Sven measures the room and creates a plan.

We should clean up the Stuhllager in the basement. Some of us will do so after the SR meeting.

TOP 7             IMS Weekend

We postpone this topic.

TOP 8             Stuko

SQM: All collect ideas, Urs asks other SRs / students for ideas of using the SQM money.

One idea would be to get a new beamer / projecter. But we assume that the institute already considered this. Apart from that we didn’t collect further suggestions


Sends email to let them know our ideas.

TOP 9             Linguistics Student Representatives

The SR Germanistik / Linguistik approached us as the linguistics courses are oftentimes overbooked and in addition to this, one professor position will be dropped in the upcoming semester. This might lead to a reduced number of linguistics courses offered to linguistics students and IMS students as well.

To draw attention to this problem the SR Germanistik / Linguistik plan to write their opinion to the director. The Bundesfachschaftentagung and others like their dean of studies want to contribute to this as well. Students of related study programs like Romanistik, Anglistik and Philosophy will be asked to participate as well.

What can / do we want to do?

  • Participate in a signature campaign: We could place a list at the IMS and ask the IMS students to sign it.
  • Express our opinion as SRs: Write a text that expresses how important it is to fill a professorship in the linguistics department.

Urs officially closes the session.

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