Attendees: Georgi, Jule, Marc, Max, Urs

Minutes: Jule

Chairperson: Urs

Urs officially opens the session.

TOP 1 - Freshmen

No new problems have reached us. Everything seems to be fine.

TOP 2 - Answering mails

Email “Vorstellung Fachschaft bei Semester Opening für neue internationale Masterstudierende F05 - 30.11.23”:

  • There’s another semester opening event from the International Service Point on Thursday, 30.11.2023 at 6 pm
  • We take the presentation slides from last year
  • Urs volunteers to be there and searches for another person to join him

Email “Stand am Uni-Tag”:

  • There will be a Stand at the Uni-Tag on Wednesday, 22.11.2023 from 10am – 3pm Stefanie asked us to help there between 10 and 10.45 am
  • We still need to find someone who volunteers

TOP 3 - Elections

Office combination: Marc as chairperson, Urs as deputy chairperson, Patrick as treasurer; Sven as grilling person. Urs informs stuvus about the election results.

We postpone this topic.

TOP 4 - Events

Christmas Party: on 08.12.2023. Ask the institute for financial support. Ideas: organize quiz and ask others. Whatsapp group for organization.
Weihnachtsmarkt: Organized spontaneously.

The games night was great! A lot of people joined. Fabian and Urs did the Abrechnungen. They still need to check if they also received the money.

The Christmas Party planning is about to start. We should remember to do room reservations and also ask the stuff (e.g. PHD students) for potential program contributions.

We should do a doodle to organize visiting the Christmas market.

TOP 5 - Buying Stuff / Abrechnung

Kitchen stuff: We want to buy a waffle maker. Marc checks if the stuvus application for the waffle maker is still valid.

Pot for plant. Someone needs to go to a Baumarkt and buy some soil and a pot for the plant.

International power plugs: Urs / Marc create a stuvus account for Patrick (who will eventually do the stuvus application).

Stickers: We want stickers with the FSCL logo. Sofia checks how to buy them online.

We postpone this topic.

TOP 6 - More storage & New Furniture

Ideas for getting more space: Do Pfandrun, move coffee machine. We should evtl. make an inventory and also label the cabinets. Max takes cloths home and washes them.
Maybe we want to replace our sofa. Sven measures the room and creates a plan.

We postpone this topic.

TOP 7 - IMS Weekend

We postpone this topic.

TOP 8 - Stuko

A StuKo meeting happened on Wednesday. The following topics have been discussed:

  • SQM (managing money used for teaching)
    • There will be new GPUs ordered for the student server nandu
    • The psychological counselling will be continued
    • As usual there is money spent on tutorial persons
    • For visually impaired students a new tutorial person will be hired, (starting in January) that especially helps those students with topics from Methods (especially reading spectrograms, …)
    • There is some unallocated money left
  • Module evaluations: Methods and TeamLab were rather rated poorly and associated with a large amount of work. In general the results were good.
  • Some students complained about the (not-) use of gender-neutral language by some lecturers. It was decided that the institute would highlight and recommend the guidelines to the lecturers. There will be meetings with the person concerned.

Ideas on how to use the unallocated money:

  • Notebooks: Won’t work as there’s long waiting times for bw-notebooks
  • Excursion: Would be too much organizational effort and that is on too short term notice
  • Scanner for books: There is no scanning option for books at the IMS. But: As the amount of students using books is low it doesn’t really make sense.
  • Hardware like RAM-extension: Until now we think this would be a good idea

We should collect further ideas until next week.


Asks other SRs / students for further ideas of using the money.


Collect ideas.

Urs officially closes the session.

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