Attendees: Amelie, Francesca, Georgi, Jule, Marc, Urs

Minutes: Jule

Chairperson: Marc

Marc officially opens the session.

TOP 1             Freshmen

No new problems have reached us. Everything seems to be fine.         

TOP 2             Answering mails

There was an email from a student but unfortunately we saw it too late.

Urs replied to the mail from the ISP.

TOP 3             Elections

Office combination: Marc as chairperson, Urs as deputy chairperson, Patrick as treasurer; Sven as grilling person. Urs informs stuvus about the election results.

Let’s do the elections in two weeks (on Thursday, 14.12.)

TOP 4             Events

Christmas Party: on 08.12.2023 at 5pm. Ask everyone for contribution. Collect program ideas like Secret Santa. Urs sends invitation mail, Marc asks Luftis for their mulled wine cooker.
Weihnachtsmarkt: Make doodle to set the date.

Christmas party:

  • Mulled wine cooker: Marc organized a mulled wine cooker. Thus we have 2 know. But for the other email we didn’t get a response yet.
  • Grocery shopping:
    • Time: Next Tuesday (05.12.) at 1pm Urs will bring his car to the IMS and Amelie, Georgi and Marc help him do the groceries.
    • Drinks: Let’s buy 20 litres of mulled wine and 20 litres of Kinderpunsch
    • Snacks: We want Spekulatius and some other snacks
  • Finances: Ideally everything gets financed via donations. Still as plan B we could ask the institute for some financial support in case it won’t work out.
  • Program:
    • No need for preparation for Karaoke and board games
    • Amelie created a Spotify playlist with Christmas songs. She is still working on it to make it public such that everybody can add other songs to this playlist as well.
    • A Christmas quiz would be great but it needs lots of preparation. Maybe we could Sof or Fabi if they have experience from the last quizzes.
    • Marc started creating a timetable in the google doc. But there’s still a lot of empty space which we should try to fill.
  • We should remind the students and staff once again about the party and ask for contributions. We should also post it on Instagram.


Posts reminder for the Christmas party on Instagram.

Marc, Amelie

Send email to Prof. Pado asking for a financial plan B support.


Send a reminder email for the Christmas party.


Think about possible program contributions.

TOP 5             Buying Stuff / Abrechnung

Kitchen stuff: We want to buy a waffle maker.

Pot for plant. Someone needs to go to a Baumarkt and buy some soil and a pot for the plant.

International power plugs: Urs / Marc create a stuvus account for Patrick (who will eventually do the stuvus application).

Stickers: We want stickers with the FSCL logo. Sofia checks how to buy them online.

We postpone this topic.

TOP 6             More storage & New Furniture

Ideas for getting more space: Do Pfandrun, move coffee machine. We should evtl. make an inventory and also label the cabinets. Max takes cloths home and washes them.
Maybe we want to replace our sofa. Sven measures the room and creates a plan.

As nobody drinks coffee let’s move the coffee machine to the storage.

All of us should try to keep the room clean – also when eating!

We close this topic and check next year if we want to reopen it.

TOP 7             IMS Weekend

We postpone this topic.

TOP 8             Stuko

SQM: Marc sends email to let them know our ideas of using the SQM money.

Marc sent the email.

We close this topic.

TOP 9             Linguistics Student Representatives

Problem with too less lecturers/professors in the linguistics department. We could participate in a signature campaign and express our opinion as SRs.

We did not receive a mail from the Linguistics SRs yet. For now we wait until they reach out to us again.                                                                                                    

Marc officially closes the session.

  • Keine Stichwörter