Attendees: Amelie, Emma, Francesca, Georgi, Jule, Marc, Opu'
Minutes: Jule
Chairperson: Marc

Marc officially opens the session.

1. TOP 1       Freshmen

No new problems have reached us. Everything seems to be fine.

2. TOP 2       Answering mails

StuKo Meeting:

  • There will be a StuKo meeting in December about the change of the examination regulation of the Masters Program.
  • If anyone has a problem please contact Marc. He will present them in the Stuko.

Intermediate Evaluation of Carina Silberer:

  • Along with the interim evaluation of the junior professorship, Professor Pado asked us for feedback.
  • In order to provide some feedback we plan to ask students in the upcoming days. Until Wednesday we send keynotes to Marc who then writes a short text to Prof. Pado.

Marc: Responds to Professor Pado.

3. TOP 3       Elections

Office combination: Marc as chairperson, Urs as deputy chairperson, Patrick as treasurer; Sven as grilling person. Urs informs stuvus about the election results.

We postpone this topic.

4. TOP 4       Events

Pub Crawl: On 26.10.2023.
Games Night: on 09.11.2023. Stuvus approved snacks and soft drinks for 60€. Urs sends invitation mail and checks the poster templates. Sven books seminar rooms.

Christmas Party: on 08.12.2023. Ask the institue for financial support. Ideas: organize quiz and ask others. Amelie and Georgi organize it.
Others: Weihnachtsmarkt, Ice skating

Games night:

  • Most likely the seminar rooms are not booked yet. We definitely should do that!
  • The buying of non-alcoholic drinks and snacks happens next week Thursday (at 15:30).

Let’s create a WhatsApp group for organizing the Christmas Party.

The planned date for the ice skating was Friday, 17.11. Unfortunately no one is available this evening. Thus we should try to find a new date.

Marc: Sends email to raumreservierung@ims asking for the availability of the seminar rooms for the games night.
Urs, Jule: Buy drinks and snacks on Thursday.
Marc: Creates a WhatsApp group (with Amelie, Georgi and Opu) for organizing the Christmas Party.
Jule: Makes a poll about the date of ice skating.

5. TOP 5       Buying Stuff / Abrechnung

Kitchen stuff: We want to buy a waffle maker. Marc checks if the stuvus application for the waffle maker is still valid.
Pot for plant. Someone needs to go to a Baumarkt and buy some soil and a pot for the plant.
International power plugs: Urs / Marc create a stuvus account for Patrick (who will eventually do the stuvus application).
Stickers: We want stickers with the FSCL logo. Sofia checks how to buy them online.

Opu brought up the idea of buying a new batch of SR hoodies. To get them quite cheap one idea is to check whether stuvus allows buying them outside from the EU.

6. TOP 6       More storage & New Furniture

Ideas for getting more space: Do Pfandrun, move coffee machine. Patrick and Marc clean up. We should evtl. make an inventory and also label the cabinets.
Maybe we want to replace our sofa. Sven measures the room and creates a plan.

We postpone this topic.

7. TOP 7       Wiki

Let’s use the stuvus wiki to organize the protocols and Fachgruppen documents. Urs creates stuvus accounts for every student representative. We still need to create a hidden hidden section for passwords.

We postpone this topic.

8. TOP 8       Mail

It might be good to reactivate the cl-jobs mailing list to forward HIWI job offers. Idea: Reduce spam email by creating new mailing list that adapt the mail subject accordingly.

We postpone this topic until Fabi is back and asked whether we can switch to stuvus mail.

9. TOP 9       IMS Weekend

We postpone this topic.

10. TOP 10       Arbeitsgruppe examination regulation

Sven gives a short summary on the planned changes.

We postpone this topic until Sven joins the meeting.

Marc officially closes the session.

  • Keine Stichwörter