Attendees: Amelie, Francesca, Georgi, Jolanda, Jule, Marc, Max, Urs

Minutes: Jule

Chairperson: Marc

Marc officially opens the session.

TOP 1             Freshmen

No new problems have reached us. Everything seems to be fine.

TOP 2             Answering mails

Email from Karin:

  • Issue: One of the tutors is not in the mailing list.

Someone asked Francesca for memory protocols. As of now we still have the link. We should think about a new procedure when being closer to the upcoming exam season.


Replies to Karin and informs Hiwis for system administration.

TOP 3             Elections

Office combination: Marc as chairperson, Urs as deputy chairperson, Patrick as treasurer; Sven as grilling person. 

Elections will be done next week!

TOP 4             Events

Christmas Party: on 08.12.2023 at 5pm. Ask everyone for contribution. Collect program ideas. Do grocery shopping on 05.12. Marc and Amelie send email to Prof Pado asking for a financial plan B support. We need to send a reminder mail.
Weihnachtsmarkt: Make doodle to set the date.

Problem: trains (especially S-Bahnen) are on strike

  • Brainstorming:
    • Move the Christmas party to January:
      • There’s a risk of losing the Christmas spirit.
      • We are not sure if people want to drink mulled wine in January.
      • Date: It should not be too close to February (due to exams). As far as we know the IMS building will not be closed during the “university closing”. Thus we could do it in the second week of January.
    • Move the Christmas party to another weekday:
      • We think about Thursday, 14th of December. This is not ideal as there might be lectures on Friday in the morning. In addition to this many of us won’t be there to help setting up the party.
    • Move the Christmas party to Friday, 15th of December:
      • The FIUS Christmas party is happening at the same time. But we hope that IMS students would still join the IMS-party.
      • It’s an opportunity to have some Christmas spirit and include as many staff members as possible. At least Urs and Amelie will be there to set up the party.
    • Create a poll: As this would require some waiting time until multiple students / staff members complete the poll, we discard this idea.
  • Decision: Christmas Party happens on Friday, 15th of December. We try to organize another event in January as a replacement for those who won’t make it to the Christmas party.
  • Things to do: Definitely inform students and staff about the changes. Also we need to reserve the seminar rooms and check if we can borrow the mulled wine cooker also on December 15th.


Asks stuvus / Luftis for the mulled wine cooker.


Reserves the seminar rooms for (Friday) 15th of December.


Informs students and staff about the changes.

TOP 5             Buying Stuff / Abrechnung

Kitchen stuff: We want to buy a waffle maker.

Pot for plant. Someone needs to go to a Baumarkt and buy some soil and a pot for the plant.

International power plugs: Urs / Marc create a stuvus account for Patrick (who will eventually do the stuvus application).

Stickers: We want stickers with the FSCL logo. Sofia checks how to buy them online.

We postpone this topic.

TOP 6             IMS Weekend

We postpone this topic.

TOP 7             Linguistics Student Representatives

Problem with too less lecturers/professors in the linguistics department. We could participate in a signature campaign and express our opinion as SRs. We wait until they reach out to us again.

No email reached us thus we will postpone this topic.                                                   

Marc officially closes the session.

  • Keine Stichwörter