1. Freshmen

  • LDS Tutor found
    • ask tutor for possible slots
    • Marc will set up a doodle
    • exchange via mail
  • Tilman will forward possible dates

2. Events

2a. Plan new Game Crawl

  • Games: skribbl.io, jackbox.tv: drawful, Cards against Humanity (€), Dominion, Risk (requires steam). poker th, keep talking, nobody explodes, Stadt-Land-Fluss
  • Introduction to Rythm Bot needed
  • more ideas for games? Do research!
  • different channels: talking, playing games, ...
  • irwann nach Pfingsten
  • Terminator will set up a doodle
  • reminder to stock up on drinks

2b. Semester closing / ähnliches

  • needs to be revisited / heavy criticism

2c. christmas party

2d. Wettsaufen gegen Marc/Zori

3. Ersti-Events

4. Company list

  • looking gooood - Urs
  • propose the listing of HiWi jobs (propably difficult)
    • Zori calls Karin
      • not likely
  • who's curating


5. Altklausuren DSA

  • Marc has written Mail to Informatik Fachgruppe
    waiting for an answer
  • Daria will distribute some
  • need to set up FG dropbox

6. Webex FG Meeting
- Link via Mail/ Whatsapp

- new members are being recruited
- Date stays the same (14:00 monday)

  • reminders on Sunday night

  • Order of business has been moved to




7. Contact Info Studikalender

  • Urs has responded - hasn't been answered
  • alphabetical order seems off / referral at character 'M' desperately needed


8. Facebook page

  • who has access? Who is responsible for maintenance?

9. Post-Corona-Tasks

  • new photos
  • update facebook page
  • BBQ/Beer
  • Burgerbattle with Marc as the only contestant

10. StuKo topics

  • StuKo date has been set to 08.06.2020
  • AK-PO
  • Klausureinsichten Feedback
  • Recycling

To do:

complete StuKo list

  • Keine Stichwörter