Erasmus + Interrail

Studentische Initiative, mit dem Ziel Erasmus und Interrail für ein nachhaltiges und vereintes Europa zu verbinden.

Making Higher Education Institutions’ exchange and mobility greener


Greener Mobility best practices: Let’s get inspired!



Karte "Academic Air Travel Reduction and Offsetting Projects": 

Stay grounded, keep connected - ETH Zurich's air travel project



Präsentation: 1_goerlinger_susann_eth-zurich.pdf

University networks as policy labs


"When it comes to projects under the Erasmus programme, the organisations implementing them can be encouraged through guidelines and best practices to be more sustainable in their day-to-day work, making both their organisations and projects greener. Finally, he emphasised the importance of leading by example, applying the environment-friendly approach in the daily work of National Agencies, National Authorities, the European Commission, and organisations. "

Weitere Beispiele

Uppsala University:

Ghent University:

University of Geneva:


Nachhaltigkeit im Auslandsaufenthalt

University of Zurich: