Start: 13.05

End: 13.50

Attendees: Emma, Jule, Sven, Francesca, Urs, Georgi, Fabian

TOP 1: News from the week

Dishwasher fixed

Grilling approved

We still have some money left, maybe not use it for events but something else

TOP 2: use of ChatGPT in seminar

There have been some cases of using ChatGPT for seminar presentations

Suggestion: give students guidelines and/or warnings

There are already some guidelines, but not IMS specific

We might get in touch with Stefanie about it

Fabian will ask Stuvus or other FG if they have ever done anything similar

TOP 3: ADL class

Some TA mentioned a paper to hand in at the end of the course, but in the end it will not be needed.

We should ask how they are going to grade the poster presentations. 

TOP 4: Admission & Examination board

Urs gave a remind of what their role is. 

TOP 5: IMS Quiz on July 12

check room availability

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