Start: 13.10

End: 13.45

Attendees: Francesca, Jule, Urs, Emma, Georgi

TOP 1: Summer Event

12.07: we plan a grilling outside and Uni has to approve it. Urs is going to take care of the application

We are still waiting for the room confirmation. 

Let's think about activities etc. to suggest. 

TOP 2: Other Events

Idea: Opera / Ballet / Theatre

TOP 3: Pub Crawl by Stuvus

Tuesday 18.06: Vaihingen Campus. 

Wednesday 26.06: same thing but in Stadtmitte. 

We should inform students and see how many want to join, then let Stuvus know.

TOP 4: Student elections

See email by Stefanie.

Further discussion next time we meet. 

TOP 5: ADL Project/Exam

There is some confusion about the exam/project, what kind of exam students from last year will have, as this year the organisation is different. 

  • Keine Stichwörter