Start: 13.07

End: 13.27

Attendees: Francesca, Marc, Amelie, Georgi

Marc officially opened the session. 

TOP 1: Freshmen

No news from freshmen. 

TOP 2: Answering Mails

Message from Sport Fachgruppe who want to have a party (18th Jan) in Lehmann from 10pm. 

If we want to participate we need to reply. 

TOP 3 : (Team) Events

TOP 4: Buying Stuff 

Ask Fabian or Sven for couch. 

TOP 5: Miscellaneous

Marc will get in touch with the Linguistics Fachgruppe to sort out professors leaving situation (e.g. cancelled courses). 

New Prüfungsordnung (examination regulations) in Großer Fakultätsrat. 

We should have a new GPU for servers now but there are some errors - it will be fixed this month / beginning of Feb. 

QSM budget: with the money left, we should decide what to buy. Also we need to figure out how to get more money from them. 

In Dec, there was the idea to organise another party in Jan. Option: do a "New Year" party. However, people seem to be too busy at the moment to organise it. 

Option 1: after the exam session, "Semester end" Party, although some people could leave for Spring Break. 

Option 2: "Summer semester beginning" party in April. 

We can think about a Game Night for the next weeks. 

D&D Night option. Someone will think about it and discuss it next week. 

Marc officially closed the session. 

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