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"Nachhaltigkeit in der Informatik"?


Versuch einer Definition nach TING-D


Hochschulgruppe Freie Software Freies Wissen (FSFW)TU Dresden
  • Verbreitung freier Software, insbesondere in Forschung und Lehre
  • Verbesserung von freier Software und zugehöriger Dokumentation
  • Steigerung der Zugänglichkeit von Wissen


Existiert seit 2014


#gnuHUHU Berlin
  • Befreiung aus der Abhängigkeit von unfreier Software
  • Nutzung möglichst Freier Software
  • FLOSS-Werkstatt
    Online-Lernwerkstatt für Free/Libre/OpenSource-Software und dezentralen, föderalen Softwareplattformen
  • AG Dezentrale Dienste
    Anbieten dezentraler Dienste (z.B. Mumble
  • gnuHU-books
    Bereitstellung von gebrauchten Notebooks mit GNU/Linux für digital benachteiligte Menschen
  • gnuHU-LibreOffice
    Förderung von LibreOffice im Bildungsbereich gegen die Dominanz unfreier Office-Software wie Microsoft Office
  • gnuHU-linux
    Einführung eines GNU/Linux-Betriebssystems als Standard-Wahlalternative an allen öffentlichen Computerarbeitsplätzen der HU Berlin
Existiert seit 2017
TU Dortmund
  • Unterstützung freier, quelloffener oder gemeinnütziger Projekte
siehe hierExistiert seit 2016
digitalcourage Hochschulgruppe

Bielefeld & Bayreuth
  • Datenschutz
  • gegen Internetüberwachung, Vorratsdatenspeicherung, ...


Was bräuchte es?

Erkenntnisse des Papers "Bringing Green Software to Computer Science Curriculum: Perspectives from Researchers and Educators"

Saraiva, J., Zong, Z., & Pereira, R. (2021). Bringing Green Software to Computer Science Curriculum: Perspectives from Researchers and Educators. Proceedings of the 26th ACM Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education V. 1, 498–504.

  • "While research in green software is rapidly increasing, several recent studies with software engineers show that they still miss techniques and tools to develop greener software"
  • "In fact, all those recent studies show that academia should not only advance state-of-the-art research in green software design, but also educate software engineers towards greener software development. Obviously, this education is best provided from the very beginning of a software engineer career. Unfortunately, today’s undergraduate computer science (CS) education often fails to address our social and environmental responsibility"
  • "Question: On a scale of (Highly Disagree) 1-5 (Highly Agree), do you agree that there is enough teaching material available to support a course on green software/computing?"
    Image Added
  • "The quickly surging demand for energy efficient computing makes it no longer sufficient for traditional computer science curriculum to train our students with only performance-oriented programming skills and mindset. It is paramount to encourage students to "think green" and write greener code."
  • Topics covered by the master level course "Green Software Engineering" (University of Minho):

    • strategic and aspect oriented programming (compute metrics and transform/refactor source code)
    • monitor energy consumption (with RAPL)
    • Red smalls + green refactorings (e.g. greeness of Java collections)
    • Concept "Energy debt" + monitoring (with E-Debitum plugin for SonarQube)
    • fault localization techniques e.g. SPELL)
    • Automatic energy-aware program repair
  • "We strongly recommend integrating green computing/software modules “early” and “often” to existing courses in a way that enhances what is already taught and that melds naturally in a given course."