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You made it to the FG-MSV/CL WIki!

Check the links in the tree on the left to find what you need. If you have any questions about using the wiki, check out Wiki Anleitung/Funktionalitäten (German) or ask Fabian Leeske ( :)

Basic Info:

  • FG meetings every Thursday, 1pm in room 0.015


  • Supreme Overlord: Marc Petzchen
    • Deputy: Urs Zaberer
  • Treasurer: Patrick Bareiß

This is the home page for your team space within Confluence. Team spaces are great for sharing knowledge and collaborating on projects, processes and procedures within your team.


  •  Customize the home page - Click "Edit" to start editing your home page
  •  Create additional pages - Click "Create" to choose a blank page or template
  •  Write a blog post - Click "Create" and select "Blog Post" to share news
  •  Manage permissions - Click "Space Tools" and select "Permissions" in the sidebar to manage what team members see



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Wiki der Fachgruppe Maschinelle Sprachverarbeitung und Computational Linguistics


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