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Urs officially opens the session.

TOP 1 - Freshmen

No new problems have reached us. Everything seems to be fine.

TOP 2 - Meeting slot

This semester the SR meetings will be on Thursdays during lunchbreak. It’s great that many students are here today!

We close this topic.

TOP 3 - Answering mails

There are no new relevant mails that need to be answered.

TOP 4 - Elections

Office combination: Marc as chairperson, Urs as deputy chairperson, Fabian as treasurer; Sven as grilling person. Urs informs stuvus about the election results.

Fabian can’t be officially the treasurer as he’s not a student from the IMS anymore. Nevertheless he is willing to help take care of financial matters. For the official treasurer position Patrick got nominated. Everyone was in favor of this election.

TOP 5 - Events

Pub Crawl: on 26.10.2023. Organized by Fabian and Marc.
Games Night: on 09.11.2023. Urs does stuvus application for drinks and snacks.

Pubcrawl: Until now 25 students registered.

Games night: Urs did the money application but there is no response yet. We should also book the seminar rooms (by sending an email to raumreservierung@ims...).

Christmas party: We have decided on Friday 15.12.2023 as date for this year’s Christmas Party. But we should make sure that there are no time collisions with the institute.

Fabian: Sends a reminder email for the pub crawl.
Sven: Books seminar rooms for the games night.
Max: Sends email to Stefanie / the employees checking for their availability on 15.12.2023. #MaxLoben

TOP 6 - Buying Stuff / Abrechnung

Kitchen stuff: We want to buy a waffle maker. Marc checks if the stuvus application for the waffle maker is still valid.
IMS-weekend: The Abrechnung got accepted. We are waiting for the money.
Pot for plant. Someone needs to go to a Baumarkt and buy some soil and a pot for the plant.
International power plugs: Urs / Marc create a stuvus account for Patrick (who will eventually do the stuvus application).

IMS Weekend: Marc got the money from stuvus and transferred it to the ones which were still waiting for their money.

There was a stuvus application for money for merchandise for Erstie bags. We did not use it but still want to have e.g. stickers for merchandise. It might work to ask stuvus if the application can be changed.

Sofia: Checks how to buy stickers online

TOP 7 - Keys

We want a key for the Besprechungsraum, the Stuhllager and the seminar rooms. Fabian makes an appointment with Agnieska to get the key.

Fabian sent an email but there is no response yet.

TOP 8 - More storage & New furniture

Ideas for getting more space: put cabinet left to whiteboard, use Besprechungsraum, stack existing cabinets, rearrange fridge.
Maybe we want to replace our sofa. Fabian searches for one online.

The next step would be to bring away the Pfand. Let’s do this on Friday 20.10.2023 at 12.

Amelie, Sofia: Organize cleaning up our room.

TOP 9 - Wiki

Let’s use the stuvus wiki to organize the protocols and Fachgruppen documents. We need to make sure the protocols can be read by others. Urs creates stuvus accounts for every student representative.

Several documents were added to the stuvus wiki. It would be great to know how to make certain parts publicly available (e.g. for the protocols) and how to have parts that are private and can only be seen by several users.

As there are new students in the SR group we need something like an instruction on how to access and use the wiki. One idea would be to hang up some information in our SR room. Alternatively (if this isn’t enough) we could distribute this information via our mailing list.

Fabian: Asks Samu how to make parts public / private in the stuvus wiki.
Fabian: Creates instruction on how to access / use the wiki and hangs it on the wall.

TOP 10 - Mail

We postpone this topic.

TOP 11 - IMS Weekend

Around seven people are in favor of organizing another IMS weekend. Thus we reopen this topic and hope that the organization will work out in the upcoming weeks. (As of now the idea would be to do such a weekend in summer 2024).Let’s determine the new meeting s