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Kommentar: Protokoll Inhalt 12.10.2023

Attendees:  Fabian, Jolanda, Jule, Marc, Max, Opu, Patrick, Sofia, Sven, Urs, VB, Yixuan

Minutes: Jule

Chairperson: Urs

Urs officially opens the session.

TOP 1 - Freshmen

The introductory events have been great. Also some freshmen joined the grilling event.

TOP 2 - Meeting slot

Let’s determine the new meeting slot for the following semester with Doodle. We should try to encourage as many students as possible to join us!

Max: Creates a doodle survey.

All: Participate in the doodle and advertise our Fachgruppe.

TOP 3 - Answering mails

There are no new relevant mails that need to be answered.

TOP 4 - Elections

Offices we vote on:

  • Chairperson:
    • Nominees: Marc, Urs as deputy
  • Treasurer:
    • Nominees: Fabian (in case it is possible to have someone who doesn’t study at IMS)
  • Room/Grilling person: (we need a person that can apply for grilling events)
    • Nominees: Sven

Votes: Everyone voted in favor of this combination. There were neither abstentions nor votes against.
Elections for other offices will happen in the next meetings.

Urs: Informs stuvus about the results of the elections.

TOP 5 - Events

Still need to give money back to Sofia, Urs and Sven.

Pub Crawl:

  • Fabian and Marc organize a pub crawl for Thursday 26th of October.
  • It is an event for all IMS students with special invitation to freshmen.

Games Night:

  • Let’s organize a games night on Thursday 9th of November.

Fabian, Marc: Organize the pub crawl.

Urs: Does stuvus application for drinks and snacks for the games night.

TOP 6 - Buying Stuff / Abrechnung

Kitchen stuff: We want to buy a waffle maker. Marc checks if the stuvus application for the waffle maker is still valid.
IMS-weekend: The Abrechnung got accepted. We are waiting for the money.
Pot for plant. Someone needs to go to a Baumarkt and buy some soil and a pot for the plant.
International power plugs: Urs / Marc create a stuvus account for Patrick (who will eventually do the stuvus application).

There have been some issues with the applications for the stuvus weekend. But the bills should be fixed now and Marc will receive the money. As soon as this happened the money will be distributed to the people that are still missing money.

TOP 7 - Keys

We want a key that fits for the Besprechungsraum, the Stuhllager and the seminar rooms.
The key should be kept in the safe to make sure it is not getting lost. 
Under the condition that the code of the safe is getting changed and thus only 3 people have the knowledge to open the safe, Fabian is willing to be responsible of the key. 

Fabian: Makes an appointment with Agnieska to get the key.

TOP 8 - More storage

Our room is too small and we have too many things to store. There are several ideas of getting more space:

  • Put a larger cabinet on top of the existing cabinets left to the whiteboard.
  • Use the cabinets in the Besprechungsraum (as soon as we have a key for it).
  • Stack the existing cabinets in a proper way. (We’re not sure if this is feasible though.)
  • Rearrange the fridge and the table with all the bottles on top.

Let’s first clean up our room and get rid of some things. In the upcoming weeks we can determine a core group that deals with the problem of needing more space.

TOP 9 - Furniture

There is a request for replacing the sofa as it takes up a lot of space and is not comfortable. The request was received hesitantly and it was noted that if a used sofa was to be purchased, it must be cleaned properly. Still let’s check for the availability of sofas online.

Fabian: Searches for a sofa.

TOP 10 - Weekend

As the IMS weekend in February 2023 was great there’s the idea of doing another IMS-weekend next summer. Hopefully with a better organization and less financial trouble this time. Apart from Fabian and Marc nobody can commit to organize it. Let’s think about bringing this topic up again in case new people start joining the Fachgruppe and are willing to help.

We close this topic.

TOP 11 - Wiki 

Until now we don’t have a platform that contains all our documents and Fachgruppen-work. The idea is to use the stuvus wiki. Here we could share files (like protocols), place the How2FG-document, …
The stuvus wiki can be used by anyone with a stuvus account. It would be necessary to create one for each of us. (Note that each stuvus account is linked with an email address that ideally should be checked regularly via stuvus webmail).
For the protocols we should make sure that they are still open to read by the IMS students.
We are in favor of using the stuvus wiki and thus we want to slowly move all single files in the upcoming weeks to this platform. 

Urs: Creates stuvus accounts for everyone who doesn’t have one yet.
All: If you don’t have a stuvus account ask Urs to create one for you.
Urs: Allows and shows Marc how to create stuvus accounts. 

TOP 12 - Mail

There is the students-all and the cl-jobs mailing list. Currently we don’t forward HIWI offers to not spam the students. Still those might be interesting to several students. Thus we should think about reactivating the cl-jobs mailing list.

Urs officially closes the session.