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The planned date for the ice skating was Friday, 17.11. Unfortunately no one is available this evening. Thus we should try to find a new date.

Marc: Sends email to raumreservierung@ims asking for the availability of the seminar rooms for the games night.
Urs, Jule: Buy drinks and snacks on Thursday.
Marc: Creates a WhatsApp group (with Amelie, Georgi and Opu) for organizing the Christmas Party.
Jule: Makes a poll about the date of ice skating.


Kitchen stuff: We want to buy a waffle maker. Marc checks if the stuvus application for the waffle maker is still valid.
Pot for plant. Someone needs to go to a Baumarkt and buy some soil and a pot for the plant.
International power plugs: Urs / Marc create a stuvus account for Patrick (who will eventually do the stuvus application).
Stickers: We want stickers with the FSCL logo. Sofia checks how to buy them online.

We postpone the topic.

TOP 6       Keys

We want a key for the Besprechungsraum, the Stuhllager and the seminar rooms. Fabian makes an appointment with Agnieska to get the key.

The SRs now have two keys: One for the Besprechungsraum and one for the seminar rooms. They are stored in the safe which has a new combination and only three people know this combination.

For the Stuhllager you don’t need a key but rather need to access it with your ECUS. As Marc is the only person who actively wants to have such an access he needs to send an email to Edgar and the schluessel-mailing list.

Marc: Sends email to register his ECUS for the Stuhllager.

We close this topic.


Opu brought up the idea of buying a new batch of SR hoodies. To get them quite cheap one idea is to check whether stuvus allows buying them outside from the EU.

TOP 6       More storage & New Furniture

Ideas for getting more space: put cabinet left to whiteboard, use Besprechungsraum, stack existing cabinets, rearrange fridge. Amelie and Sofia are organizing the clean up.
Maybe we want to replace our sofa. Fabian searches for one online.

Several things have been cleaned up. What to do next?



Pfandrun, move coffee machine. Patrick and Marc clean up. We should evtl. make an inventory and also label the cabinets.
Maybe we want to replace our sofa. Sven measures the room and creates a plan.

We postpone this topic.



  • Amelie has a sofa left (IKEA friheten, in beige).
  • Before deciding on a sofa we should create a plan of the SR room to make available space visible.

Marc, Patrick: Decide which things we don’t need anymore in the SR room.
Urs: Checks for the “where things are”-chapter and updates the stuvus wiki.
Sven: Measures the SR room and creates a plan.



Let’s use the stuvus wiki to organize the protocols and Fachgruppen documents. Urs creates stuvus accounts for every student representative. Fabian asks Samu how to make parts public / private. Fabian creates instruction on how to access / use the wiki.

Fabian created an instruction on how to use the stuvus wiki. You can find it on the wall of the SR room. 

The FSCL-part (including the protocols) is now read-only to everyone and there’s an additional subsection that is only readable for us. We also want a “hidden hidden” section that can be only accessed by certain FSCL members, e.g. to share passwords.

???: Creates “hidden hidden” section in the wiki.


We still need to create a hidden hidden section for passwords.

We postpone this topic.

TOP 8       Mail

It might be good to reactivate the cl-jobs mailing list to forward HIWI job offers.

Ideas to reduce the spam of mails for FSCL members:

  • Let’s have a mailing lists that forward the mails to individual students (e.g. for old exams). However, this can lead to the fact that as soon as a responsible person is busy, emails may not be answered for a longer period of time as no other students see them.
  • Let’s create different mailing lists (e.g. old_exams@ims) that all forward to the fscl-mailing list but change the subject of the mail accordingly (e.g. to [FSCL – old exams] instead of only [FSCL]). 


Idea: Reduce spam email by creating new mailing list that adapt the mail subject accordingly.

We postpone this topic until Fabi is back and asked whether we can switch to stuvus mail.

TOP 9       IMS Weekend

We postpone this topic.



10       Arbeitsgruppe examination regulation

Even though we found volunteers to participate in this Arbeitsgruppe, several meetings have already happened. Sven participated in them and will provide a summary in the upcoming SR meeting. 

Sven gives a short summary on the planned changes.

We postpone this topic until Sven joins the meetingSven: Prepares summary about the problems and planned changes.

Marc officially closes the session.
